Steiner conic

1. Definition of the Steiner generation of a conic section

The Steiner conic or more precisely Steiner's generation of a conic, named after the Swiss mathematician Jakob Steiner, is an alternative method to define a non-degenerate projective conic section in a projective plane over a field.

The usual definition of a conic uses a quadratic form (see Quadric (projective geometry)). Another alternative definition of a conic uses a hyperbolic polarity. It is due to K. G. C. von Staudt and sometimes called a von Staudt conic. The disadvantage of von Staudt's definition is that it only works when the underlying field has odd characteristic (i.e., C h a r 2 {\displaystyle Char\neq 2} ).

Definition of a Steiner conic

  • Given two pencils B ( U ) , B ( V ) {\displaystyle B(U),B(V)} of lines at two points U , V {\displaystyle U,V} (all lines containing U {\displaystyle U} and V {\displaystyle V} resp.) and a projective but not perspective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } of B ( U ) {\displaystyle B(U)} onto B ( V ) {\displaystyle B(V)} . Then the intersection points of corresponding lines form a non-degenerate projective conic section[1][2][3][4] (figure 1)
2. Perspective mapping between lines

A perspective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } of a pencil B ( U ) {\displaystyle B(U)} onto a pencil B ( V ) {\displaystyle B(V)} is a bijection (1-1 correspondence) such that corresponding lines intersect on a fixed line a {\displaystyle a} , which is called the axis of the perspectivity π {\displaystyle \pi } (figure 2).

A projective mapping is a finite product of perspective mappings.

Simple example: If one shifts in the first diagram point U {\displaystyle U} and its pencil of lines onto V {\displaystyle V} and rotates the shifted pencil around V {\displaystyle V} by a fixed angle φ {\displaystyle \varphi } then the shift (translation) and the rotation generate a projective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } of the pencil at point U {\displaystyle U} onto the pencil at V {\displaystyle V} . From the inscribed angle theorem one gets: The intersection points of corresponding lines form a circle.

Examples of commonly used fields are the real numbers R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } , the rational numbers Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } or the complex numbers C {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} } . The construction also works over finite fields, providing examples in finite projective planes.

Remark: The fundamental theorem for projective planes states,[5] that a projective mapping in a projective plane over a field (pappian plane) is uniquely determined by prescribing the images of three lines. That means that, for the Steiner generation of a conic section, besides two points U , V {\displaystyle U,V} only the images of 3 lines have to be given. These 5 items (2 points, 3 lines) uniquely determine the conic section.

Remark: The notation "perspective" is due to the dual statement: The projection of the points on a line a {\displaystyle a} from a center Z {\displaystyle Z} onto a line b {\displaystyle b} is called a perspectivity (see below).[5]

3. Example of a Steiner generation: generation of a point


For the following example the images of the lines a , u , w {\displaystyle a,u,w} (see picture) are given: π ( a ) = b , π ( u ) = w , π ( w ) = v {\displaystyle \pi (a)=b,\pi (u)=w,\pi (w)=v} . The projective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } is the product of the following perspective mappings π b , π a {\displaystyle \pi _{b},\pi _{a}} : 1) π b {\displaystyle \pi _{b}} is the perspective mapping of the pencil at point U {\displaystyle U} onto the pencil at point O {\displaystyle O} with axis b {\displaystyle b} . 2) π a {\displaystyle \pi _{a}} is the perspective mapping of the pencil at point O {\displaystyle O} onto the pencil at point V {\displaystyle V} with axis a {\displaystyle a} . First one should check that π = π a π b {\displaystyle \pi =\pi _{a}\pi _{b}} has the properties: π ( a ) = b , π ( u ) = w , π ( w ) = v {\displaystyle \pi (a)=b,\pi (u)=w,\pi (w)=v} . Hence for any line g {\displaystyle g} the image π ( g ) = π a π b ( g ) {\displaystyle \pi (g)=\pi _{a}\pi _{b}(g)} can be constructed and therefore the images of an arbitrary set of points. The lines u {\displaystyle u} and v {\displaystyle v} contain only the conic points U {\displaystyle U} and V {\displaystyle V} resp.. Hence u {\displaystyle u} and v {\displaystyle v} are tangent lines of the generated conic section.

A proof that this method generates a conic section follows from switching to the affine restriction with line w {\displaystyle w} as the line at infinity, point O {\displaystyle O} as the origin of a coordinate system with points U , V {\displaystyle U,V} as points at infinity of the x- and y-axis resp. and point E = ( 1 , 1 ) {\displaystyle E=(1,1)} . The affine part of the generated curve appears to be the hyperbola y = 1 / x {\displaystyle y=1/x} .[2]


  1. The Steiner generation of a conic section provides simple methods for the construction of ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas which are commonly called the parallelogram methods.
  2. The figure that appears while constructing a point (figure 3) is the 4-point-degeneration of Pascal's theorem.[6]

Steiner generation of a dual conic

dual ellipse
Steiner generation of a dual conic
definition of a perspective mapping

Definitions and the dual generation

Dualizing (see duality (projective geometry)) a projective plane means exchanging the points with the lines and the operations intersection and connecting. The dual structure of a projective plane is also a projective plane. The dual plane of a pappian plane is pappian and can also be coordinatized by homogeneous coordinates. A nondegenerate dual conic section is analogously defined by a quadratic form.

A dual conic can be generated by Steiner's dual method:

  • Given the point sets of two lines u , v {\displaystyle u,v} and a projective but not perspective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } of u {\displaystyle u} onto v {\displaystyle v} . Then the lines connecting corresponding points form a dual non-degenerate projective conic section.

A perspective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } of the point set of a line u {\displaystyle u} onto the point set of a line v {\displaystyle v} is a bijection (1-1 correspondence) such that the connecting lines of corresponding points intersect at a fixed point Z {\displaystyle Z} , which is called the centre of the perspectivity π {\displaystyle \pi } (see figure).

A projective mapping is a finite sequence of perspective mappings.

It is usual, when dealing with dual and common conic sections, to call the common conic section a point conic and the dual conic a line conic.

In the case that the underlying field has Char = 2 {\displaystyle \operatorname {Char} =2} all the tangents of a point conic intersect in a point, called the knot (or nucleus) of the conic. Thus, the dual of a non-degenerate point conic is a subset of points of a dual line and not an oval curve (in the dual plane). So, only in the case that Char 2 {\displaystyle \operatorname {Char} \neq 2} is the dual of a non-degenerate point conic a non-degenerate line conic.


Dual Steiner conic defined by two perspectivities π A , π B {\displaystyle \pi _{A},\pi _{B}}
example of a Steiner generation of a dual conic

(1) Projectivity given by two perspectivities:
Two lines u , v {\displaystyle u,v} with intersection point W {\displaystyle W} are given and a projectivity π {\displaystyle \pi } from u {\displaystyle u} onto v {\displaystyle v} by two perspectivities π A , π B {\displaystyle \pi _{A},\pi _{B}} with centers A , B {\displaystyle A,B} . π A {\displaystyle \pi _{A}} maps line u {\displaystyle u} onto a third line o {\displaystyle o} , π B {\displaystyle \pi _{B}} maps line o {\displaystyle o} onto line v {\displaystyle v} (see diagram). Point W {\displaystyle W} must not lie on the lines A B ¯ , o {\displaystyle {\overline {AB}},o} . Projectivity π {\displaystyle \pi } is the composition of the two perspectivities:   π = π B π A {\displaystyle \ \pi =\pi _{B}\pi _{A}} . Hence a point X {\displaystyle X} is mapped onto π ( X ) = π B π A ( X ) {\displaystyle \pi (X)=\pi _{B}\pi _{A}(X)} and the line x = X π ( X ) ¯ {\displaystyle x={\overline {X\pi (X)}}} is an element of the dual conic defined by π {\displaystyle \pi } .
(If W {\displaystyle W} would be a fixpoint, π {\displaystyle \pi } would be perspective.[7])

(2) Three points and their images are given:
The following example is the dual one given above for a Steiner conic.
The images of the points A , U , W {\displaystyle A,U,W} are given: π ( A ) = B , π ( U ) = W , π ( W ) = V {\displaystyle \pi (A)=B,\,\pi (U)=W,\,\pi (W)=V} . The projective mapping π {\displaystyle \pi } can be represented by the product of the following perspectivities π B , π A {\displaystyle \pi _{B},\pi _{A}} :

  1. π B {\displaystyle \pi _{B}} is the perspectivity of the point set of line u {\displaystyle u} onto the point set of line o {\displaystyle o} with centre B {\displaystyle B} .
  2. π A {\displaystyle \pi _{A}} is the perspectivity of the point set of line o {\displaystyle o} onto the point set of line v {\displaystyle v} with centre A {\displaystyle A} .

One easily checks that the projective mapping π = π A π B {\displaystyle \pi =\pi _{A}\pi _{B}} fulfills π ( A ) = B , π ( U ) = W , π ( W ) = V {\displaystyle \pi (A)=B,\,\pi (U)=W,\,\pi (W)=V} . Hence for any arbitrary point G {\displaystyle G} the image π ( G ) = π A π B ( G ) {\displaystyle \pi (G)=\pi _{A}\pi _{B}(G)} can be constructed and line G π ( G ) ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {G\pi (G)}}} is an element of a non degenerate dual conic section. Because the points U {\displaystyle U} and V {\displaystyle V} are contained in the lines u {\displaystyle u} , v {\displaystyle v} resp.,the points U {\displaystyle U} and V {\displaystyle V} are points of the conic and the lines u , v {\displaystyle u,v} are tangents at U , V {\displaystyle U,V} .

Intrinsic conics in a linear incidence geometry

The Steiner construction defines the conics in a planar linear incidence geometry (two points determine at most one line and two lines intersect in at most one point) intrinsically, that is, using only the collineation group. Specifically, E ( T , P ) {\displaystyle E(T,P)} is the conic at point P {\displaystyle P} afforded by the collineation T {\displaystyle T} , consisting of the intersections of L {\displaystyle L} and T ( L ) {\displaystyle T(L)} for all lines L {\displaystyle L} through P {\displaystyle P} . If T ( P ) = P {\displaystyle T(P)=P} or T ( L ) = L {\displaystyle T(L)=L} for some L {\displaystyle L} then the conic is degenerate. For example, in the real coordinate plane, the affine type (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola) of E ( T , P ) {\displaystyle E(T,P)} is determined by the trace and determinant of the matrix component of T {\displaystyle T} , independent of P {\displaystyle P} .

By contrast, the collineation group of the real hyperbolic plane H 2 {\displaystyle \mathbb {H} ^{2}} consists of isometries. Consequently, the intrinsic conics comprise a small but varied subset of the general conics, curves obtained from the intersections of projective conics with a hyperbolic domain. Further, unlike the Euclidean plane, there is no overlap between the direct E ( T , P ) ; {\displaystyle E(T,P);} T {\displaystyle T} preserves orientation – and the opposite E ( T , P ) ; {\displaystyle E(T,P);} T {\displaystyle T} reverses orientation. The direct case includes central (two perpendicular lines of symmetry) and non-central conics, whereas every opposite conic is central. Even though direct and opposite central conics cannot be congruent, they are related by a quasi-symmetry defined in terms of complementary angles of parallelism. Thus, in any inversive model of H 2 {\displaystyle \mathbb {H} ^{2}} , each direct central conic is birationally equivalent to an opposite central conic.[8] In fact, the central conics represent all genus 1 curves with real shape invariant j 1 {\displaystyle j\geq 1} . A minimal set of representatives is obtained from the central direct conics with common center and axis of symmetry, whereby the shape invariant is a function of the eccentricity, defined in terms of the distance between P {\displaystyle P} and T ( P ) {\displaystyle T(P)} . The orthogonal trajectories of these curves represent all genus 1 curves with j 1 {\displaystyle j\leq 1} , which manifest as either irreducible cubics or bi-circular quartics. Using the elliptic curve addition law on each trajectory, every general central conic in H 2 {\displaystyle \mathbb {H} ^{2}} decomposes uniquely as the sum of two intrinsic conics by adding pairs of points where the conics intersect each trajectory.[9]


  1. ^ Coxeter 1993, p. 80
  2. ^ a b Hartmann, p. 38
  3. ^ Merserve 1983, p. 65
  4. ^ Jacob Steiner's Vorlesungen über synthetische Geometrie, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig 1867 (from Google Books: (German) Part II follows Part I) Part II, pg. 96
  5. ^ a b Hartmann, p. 19
  6. ^ Hartmann, p. 32
  7. ^ H. Lenz: Vorlesungen über projektive Geometrie, BI, Mannheim, 1965, S. 49.
  8. ^ Sarli, John (April 2012). "Conics in the hyperbolic plane intrinsic to the collineation group". Journal of Geometry. 103 (1): 131–148. doi:10.1007/s00022-012-0115-5. ISSN 0047-2468. S2CID 119588289.
  9. ^ Sarli, John (2021-10-22). "The Elliptic Curve Decomposition of Central Conics in the Real Hyperbolic Plane" (Preprint). doi:10.21203/


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Steiner conic.
  • Coxeter, H. S. M. (1993), The Real Projective Plane, Springer Science & Business Media
  • Hartmann, Erich, Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski Planes (PDF), retrieved 20 September 2014 (PDF; 891 kB).
  • Merserve, Bruce E. (1983) [1959], Fundamental Concepts of Geometry, Dover, ISBN 0-486-63415-9